Thursday, January 28, 2010
Trains and subways to see the baby

The weekend in Forest Hill was awesome. Great women going through and fabulous staff. How blessed I am to be able at the age of 74 to participate in such life changing opportunities for women. If for any reason you do not know about Woman Within, check their website sometime.
Anyway, after the weekend I flew back to San Diego for a few days before I left for DC to be with my grandsons Dryver and Stryde. Thanksgiving was very cool. We went to Army Navy Country Club for dinner. I am still full. Lots of good food and we didn't have to cook or cleanup. The boys were great and it is a pleasure being with my son and daughter-in-law. The main reason I was in that area was to be around when Molly's baby was born. She is in NYC and DC is closer than San Diego. She was due on Thanksgiving day so we thought. So needless to say we were ecstatic when Peter arrived early on Monday November 30th. 7 pounds 11 ounces or something like that.
Tuesday morning I took the train to NYC. I enjoy the train and it was fun. Since I was in such a hurry to see the baby and didn't have much time, I took a taxi to the hospital. There is no way to describe the feelings when I was with my daughter and her new baby. Molly is amazing and I have nothing but admiration for her spirit and how she has lived her life.
So after my alotted time, I tried to get a taxi back to the train station. Well, you must have heard the jokes about getting a taxi at 5:00 in NY. Sooo I took the subway. There are really no words to describe that experience either. I did learn to ask and most often was given a helpful response. Long story short, got back to Alexandria safe and sound with much more love in my heart and excitement about life.
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