Wednesday, September 28, 2011


Wow, what a difference a year makes. I can't believe it has been that long since my last post. Oh well!!! Time flies when we are having fun.

Anyway, rather than attempting to fill you in on all that has been going on, I will give you a bit of a smile for today.

I am living in San Diego and love to walk in the early morning. Thus the picture from my balcony.

Having been inspired last evening by an amazing seminar at LandMark Education on INTEGRITY I got up full of energy and determination to step into a spiritual authentic space. I would go for a walk and be open to any messages and new awarenesses. I went digging in the laundry basket for some comfy walking clothes and went out into the cool crisp delicious morning air. I was listening to MCKS and the Kabalistic Lord's prayer for inspiration. As Master Choa connected with the Forehead Chakra, the entry way to inspiration I saw a flick of someting on the sidewalk. I almost stepped on it. Curious I decided to check it out in case it was litter, so turned around and what I discovered carried a direct message from the Divine.
It was a pair of MY black underpanties that apparently been lodged in the leg of the pants I picked out of the laundry basket. I picked them up in awe at how blessed I am to be so closely connected and receive such clear messages....


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